Sunday, October 4, 2009

About This Blog

Welcome friends and brothers!

My hope is that this blog will serve as a central source of knowledge about Freemasonry in the Republic of Korea. It is divided into several sections:

For those seeking information about Freemasonry in Korea, check out the "Lodges in Korea" page. Here you can details on the location, meeting times and contacts for each lodge meeting on the Korean Peninsula.

Active members should find the calendar to be a useful tool. I will try to keep it complete and updated, but I will need your help. Please email me with the details on any relevant future events.

All individuals, including those members absent from Korea, should find the blog entries to be at least somewhat enlightening . I hope to share details on masonic events, short research articles, and other topics of interest. Again, I will need your help. If you happen to have an idea, paper or other noteworthy entry, notify me by email. I will be happy to share it here.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope this blog will become an asset to our community.

Most fraternally yours,

Bro. Pete