Monday, December 7, 2009

Thanksgiving Blessings

Who could ask for more than good food, good friends and a bit of beer?

In November, the members of Lodge Harry S. Truman once again hosted a traditional American Thanksgiving dinner. Brethren, family and friends came together to celebrate the holiday and to reflect on our many blessings. All three Scottish lodges were well represented. Members came from throughout Korea, including Bro. Jean Bradberry who made the long trek from Pusan. Several American military members were also invited to share in the festivities since they have found themselves far from their homes and families.

Due to some miscommunication, a few of the guests arrived several hours early. However, it was worth the wait and the food certainly deserved praise. Multiple turkeys were prepared for the occasion along with all of the traditional side dishes such as stuffing, potatoes, cranberry sauce, and pie. Of course, everyone left at least a little room for beer.

Originally, the brethren of Harry S. Truman hosted last year's Thanksgiving dinner in order to practice for their December installation banquet. Early on, some heard rumors that there would be no Thanksgiving dinner in 2009. However, due to popular demand, the lodge stepped up to the plate and made the holidays a little warmer for those of us who live far from our homelands. Despite their intentions, I think this is one tradition that will continue for some time to come. I'll see you in 2010.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Fraternal Greetings

On October 21st the members of Lodge Han Yang No. 1048 gathered to conduct a short business meeting. The only significant item on the agenda was to receive nominations for next year’s office bearers. However, to everyone’s surprise, no less than five visiting brethren showed up, representing lodges in Canada, New Zealand, Hawaii, Pennsylvania and Korea.

Undoubtedly, the highlight of the meeting occurred when Very Worshipful Brother Frank Fowlie, Past Grand Flag Bearer of the Grand Lodge of Quebec, presented our Worshipful Senior Warden, Brother Charles Duerden, with a Canadian flag. Brother Duerden, being a fellow Canadian, accepted the flag on behalf of Lodge Han Yang. As part of the flag ceremony, VW Bro. Fowlie gave the following speech:

"I now present our Flag, Our symbol of sovereignty and unity. Between bars of red and on a field of white it blazons forth in all its autumnal glory. The Canadian Maple Leaf, whose points represent the ten provinces and other territories what comprise our great Dominion.

To Free Masons the red represents that dauntless courage of our forefathers, which we emulate; the white, that blameless purity of life and conduct to which we aspire; and the points the eleven knightly virtues, of which patriotism is the greatest and to which we are ever dedicated. And finally it inspires reverence to him to whom we ever fervently pray, God Save the Queen and heaven bless the Maple Leaf forever."

Following the lodge meeting, the Brethren remained in the Cheesman Room to enjoy harmony with the distinguished visitors. After a light meal of pizza, sandwiches and beer, our guests departed with promises to bring fraternal greetings from Lodge Han Yang to each of their respective lodges. We hope the memory of Masonic fellowship in Korea will remain strong in their hearts. This event well illustrates how fortunate we are to be Korean Freemasons. Our members hail from nations in every corner of the earth and our salutations are heard in lodge rooms throughout the world.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Table Lodge

On October 10th, Lodge Harry S. Truman revived a somewhat neglected tradition by hosting a Table Lodge at the Keystone Lounge. Members from all three Scottish lodges in Korea were present, including Worshipful Masters Tim Walley and Jean Lloyd Bradberry from Lodge Harry S. Truman and Lodge Pusan, respectively. A delicious steak and baked potato dinner was served with a selection of wine and beer. W.M. Walley introduced a newly adapted Table Lodge ritual which provided for fines to be levied against members for various infractions, such as Brother Dave Hudson's questionable fashion sense. The $1.00/1000 won fines raised a very decent amount of money which will be used for a good cause. After the meal, Brother Michael Stone presented a short piece of Masonic education which was followed by a lively discussion about Masonic philosophy.

Two other brethren were also singled out, to their surprise, for special honors. Brother Ralph Nelsen received the extraordinary honor of being presented with a Distinguished Service Membership award. This honor is given to a brother who has given long and distinguished service to the lodge. The petition was approved by the Right Worshipful District Grand Master Mason and presented to Brother Nelson by W.M. Tim Walley on behalf of Lodge Harry S. Truman. At this same gathering, Brother Peter A. Dietrich, a member of Lodge Han Yang, was made an Honorary Member of Lodge Harry S. Truman in recognition of the significant work he has preformed for the lodge. Both members were extremely appreciative for these honors.

The Table Lodge proved to be a huge success. Lodge Harry S. Truman did an excellent job with all aspects of the event. All members in attendance left full of steak, wine, new knowledge and fellowship. Plans are underway to organize another Table Lodge early next year. Stay tuned.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

About This Blog

Welcome friends and brothers!

My hope is that this blog will serve as a central source of knowledge about Freemasonry in the Republic of Korea. It is divided into several sections:

For those seeking information about Freemasonry in Korea, check out the "Lodges in Korea" page. Here you can details on the location, meeting times and contacts for each lodge meeting on the Korean Peninsula.

Active members should find the calendar to be a useful tool. I will try to keep it complete and updated, but I will need your help. Please email me with the details on any relevant future events.

All individuals, including those members absent from Korea, should find the blog entries to be at least somewhat enlightening . I hope to share details on masonic events, short research articles, and other topics of interest. Again, I will need your help. If you happen to have an idea, paper or other noteworthy entry, notify me by email. I will be happy to share it here.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope this blog will become an asset to our community.

Most fraternally yours,

Bro. Pete

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Masonic Lodges in Korea

Masonic Lodges in Korea

There are currently four Masonic lodges meeting in the Republic of Korea. Because of the relatively small number of active masons in Korea, a strong fellowship exists between the four lodges. Han Yang Lodge No. 1048, Lodge Pusan No. 1675, and Lodge Harry S. Truman No. 1727 are on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. MacArthur Lodge No. 183 holds its charter from the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines. Below is some additional information about each lodge:


Lodge Han Yang No. 1048

Lodge Han Yang No. 1048 is the oldest Masonic Lodge in the Republic of Korea. Consecrated in November of 1908 the Lodge has endured the Occupation of Japan, World War II and the Korean War. Our members come from Korea and around the world making our Lodge truly cosmopolitan. Our Lodge is a Scottish Constitution Lodge under the guidance of the District Grand Lodge of the Far East.

The Lodge meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 pm. The Lodge meets in the Cheesman Room in the Seoul Club. Visiting Brethren are always welcome!



MacArthur Lodge #183

MacArthur Lodge No. 183, chartered in 1964, is the only Masonic Lodge of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines in operation on the Korean Peninsula. Morning Calm Lodge No. 189 merged with MacArthur Lodge No. 183 in 1996. All constituent lodges of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines work a form of the American Webb Ritual, closely aligned to Californian forms. Consequently, lodges open in the third degree, and conduct normal lodge business at separate meetings.

MacArthur Lodge #183 meets on the Yongsan U.S. Army Garrison in Seoul. Meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Special meetings are also held on some Saturday mornings for degree work.




Lodge Harry S. Truman #1727

Harry S. Truman Masonic Lodge was founded in 1979. Harry S. Truman is a Scottish Constituted Lodge under the Charter of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The lodge building is located nearby Pyeongtaek City. Meetings are usually followed by harmony in the Keystone Lounge.

Lodge Truman meets on the first and third Thursdays of every month at 7:00pm and usually holds special meetings on the second Saturday of the month.




Lodge Pusan #1675

Lodge Pusan No. 1675 was chartered on 3 May 1973, on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

Lodge Pusan#1675 meets on one Saturday each month. Contact the lodge secretary for further details.