Undoubtedly, the highlight of the meeting occurred when Very Worshipful Brother Frank Fowlie, Past Grand Flag Bearer of the Grand Lodge of Quebec, presented our Worshipful Senior Warden, Brother Charles Duerden, with a Canadian flag. Brother Duerden, being a fellow Canadian, accepted the flag on behalf of Lodge Han Yang. As part of the flag ceremony, VW Bro. Fowlie gave the following speech:
"I now present our Flag, Our symbol of sovereignty and unity. Between bars of red and on a field of white it blazons forth in all its autumnal glory. The Canadian Maple Leaf, whose points represent the ten provinces and other territories what comprise our great Dominion.
To Free Masons the red represents that dauntless courage of our forefathers, which we emulate; the white, that blameless purity of life and conduct to which we aspire; and the points the eleven knightly virtues, of which patriotism is the greatest and to which we are ever dedicated. And finally it inspires reverence to him to whom we ever fervently pray, God Save the Queen and heaven bless the Maple Leaf forever."
Following the lodge meeting, the Brethren remained in the Cheesman Room to enjoy harmony with the distinguished visitors. After a light meal of pizza, sandwiches and beer, our guests departed with promises to bring fraternal greetings from Lodge Han Yang to each of their respective lodges. We hope the memory of Masonic fellowship in Korea will remain strong in their hearts. This event well illustrates how fortunate we are to be Korean Freemasons. Our members hail from nations in every corner of the earth and our salutations are heard in lodge rooms throughout the world.